New Local Fare Guide

December 22, 2021
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We brought back our Local Fare Food and Drink Guide, and we’d like you to join us in the Spring '22 edition.

The question we receive most often is where should we go to eat/drink locally? The Local Fare Guide is our answer. It’s an invaluable reference for both locals and out-of-town visitors.

We put the guide on hiatus for the last few issues given the uncertainty of our local dining scene but as business is coming back we’ve reintroduced it with a new concise format organized by location.

Listings are included in every issue of Edible Phoenix (5,000 copies, 20,000 readers). We also provide the guide on the dining page of our website (see To participate in the guide, restaurants must be locally owned and/or support local producers.

Qualified display advertisers in Edible Phoenix receive complimentary entries; or listings may be purchased separately.  If you've already submitted your application, you can pay using the links below.  If you'd like an invitation to advertise in the Guide, please e-mail us for more information and a special offer.


Listing in Two Issues
Listing in Four Issues

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Edible Phoenix is a quarterly local foods magazine that promotes the abundance of local foods in the Phoenix area. We celebrate the family farmers, food artisans, chefs, and other food-related ...

Local Fare Guide

Businesses invited to advertise in this guide are locally owned and/or share a commitment to sourcing local and seasonal ingredients.