Defend Our Chocolate

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Do you love chocolate? We do too! Unfortunately this delicious confection is under threat and needs our help.

Join us for a panel discussion about the impact that climate change is already having on the chocolate industry and learn more about how these issues will develop in the future as the effects of climate change continue to worsen. 

Topics to be discussed include 1) where and how cacao beans are grown 2) the extreme weather that is currently affecting cacao yields 3) products that will most be affected 4) how consumers will respond to higher prices for these products 5) and if higher prices will raise awareness about climate issues and encourage broader changes in consumption 6) what consumers can start doing now to slow the impact of climate change on not only chocolate by the many other areas of our lives it is affecting.

All ages are welcome, and free chocolate will be given to the first 15 attendees! 

Panelists include: 
Lauren Kuby, Tempe City Councilwoman
Jim Elitzak, co-owner of Zak's Chocolate in Scottsdale
Lauren Chenarides, Assistant Professor at the Morrison School of Agribusiness

Date: June 25, 2018 6:30 PM-8:00 PM

Location: Changing Hands Bookstore | 6428 S. McClintock Dr. # C101, Tempe, AZ 85283

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6428 S. McClintock Dr. # C101
Tempe, AZ 85283